IIL has continued to participate in community-based development activities that are having positive impacts on the overall population. The Kisaan Jagrukta Abhiyaan is also one of the flagship program of IIL, which was started about 10 years back that has the following objectives:
- Educating farmers on the best crop protection measures to improve food productivity in the community.
- Educating community members on the best practice of agrochemicals that improve their overall livelihoods.
- Educating about the safty measures and the judicious use of agro chemicals.
- Educating community members on the need to cultivate third crop so that soil fertility is enhanced along with the income of the farmers.
- Organizing special camps with the community stakeholders to educate them on overall best practices of farming.

Water Harvesting Project
Water harvesting projects being the demand of the recent times to contribute our bit to maintain the water table, IIL Foundation has taken up to make 3 water harvesting projects in Rajasthan under Mukhyamantri Jal Swavlamban Yojna.

Signed a MOU with ICAR – IARI for training of farmers to maximize their yield & Entrepreneur ship