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Author: Byond Media


Technical name: Pymetrozine 50% WG Mihir (Pymetrozine 50% WG) has the best known chemistry for effective control on BPH, It is a systemic and trans


Technical name: Thimethoxam 25%WG Arrow is broad spectrum systemic insecticide belongs to second generation Neonicotinoid group. Arrow is absorbed quickly by the plants and thus


Technical name: Bifenthrin 8.8% CS Rockstar is a world-renowed, new generation, the broad spectrum insecticide of Pyrethroid ester group. It is an effective termiticide as


TECHNICAL NAME – FLUXAMETAMIDE 10% EC A Novel insecticides for the control of LEPIDOPTERAN, THRIPS, LEAF MINOR, other sucking pestes in most of the crops

Lethal Gold

Technical name: Bifenthrin 3% + Chlorpyriphos 30% EC Lethal gold an agricultural insecticide for control of a wide range of insects for many crops. Lethal


Technical Name : Benfuracarb3% GR Tadaaki is a broad-spectrum systemic carbamate insecticide/nematicide that provides excellent control of many important insect pests and nematodes in maize,

Sargent Xpress

TECHNICAL NAME – FIPRONIL 0.6% GR Sargent Xpress GR Primarily acts as an ingestion toxicant with some complimentary contact action and acts by interfering in

Mission GR

TECHNICAL NAME – Chlorantraniliprole 0.4% w/w GR MISSON is a systemic insecticide that belongs to the group anthranilic diamide,which has a unique mode of action


Technical name: Sodium Para- Nitro Phenolate- 0.3% SL Chaperone improves flowering and fruiting in plants. It increases photosynthesis and uptake of minerals. It speeds up


Technical name : Multinutrient Olympic increases the flowering and fruiting in the crop. Olympic helps in development of the roots and makes the plant healthy. Olympic

Prime Gold

Technical name: Gibbrelic Acid 0.001% L Modern plant Growth Tonic, improves plant Growth, health and shiny crops, more flower, fruits and productivity.


Technical name: Bio Fertilizer Mycoraja is bio Fertiliser based on mycorrhizae, environmental friendly fungi. Mycoraja helps the plant to sustain in adverse conditions. Mycoraja helps

Surya Zinc

Technical name: ZSB Bio Fertilizer Surya Zinc + is an effective biological carrier based formulation of Zinc solubilising bacteria in the form of a dry

KK Pro

Technical name: Bio KK PRO” is a Bio enriched organic manure in concentrated form comprising of effective plant growth promoting microbes , organic matter and

Milstim Max

Technical name: NPK Bio fertilizer “Milstim Max” is a rich source of three major plant nutrients viz., N, P and K in the form of

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