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Technical name: Lambda Cyhalothrin 4.9% CS

Mycoraja Pro

Technical name: Mycorrhizal fungi Mycoraja Pro improves soil quality and strengthens root development. Mycoraja Pro enhances the availability of phosphorus to the plants. Mycoraja Pro

Green Expert

Technical name: Bispyribac Sodium 9.5% + Penoxsulam 7.8% w/v SC

Supremo SP

Technical name: Thiocyclam Hydrogen Oxalate 50% SP Thiocyclam hydrogen oxalate shows cholinergic effects at low concentrations and anti-cholinergic effects at high concentrations without affecting the


Technical name: Metribuzin 16.8% + 2,4-Sodium Salt 56% WP A novel herbicidal combination used for control of Grassy and Broad leaf weeds in Sugarcane crop.


Technical name: Pyroxasulfone 85% WG Pyroxasulfone treatment drastically reduces the biosynthesis of very long chain fatty acids(VLCFAs) and causes a build up of fatty acid


Technical name: Pendimethalin 24% + Oxyfluorfen 4.1% ZE A novel herbicide used for the control of  narrow and broad leaf weeds in Onion and Garlic


Technical name: Emamectin Benzoate 5% SG XPLODE controls all the stages of Lepidopteran pests on different crops effectively. XPLODE has an excellent trans-laminar activity and

Lethal Super 550

Technical Name – Chlorpyriphos 50% EC It is an Organophosphorus group of insecticide. It effectively controls broad range of insects through contact, Stomach and vapour

Flite 71

Technical name: Ammonium salt of Glyphosate 71% SG Flite 71 is a nonselective systemic herbicide belongs to organophosphorus group, kills all types of weeds. Flite


TECHNICAL NAME – Cyazofamid 34.5% SC Cyazofamid has proven to control Oomycetes by respiratory inhibition especially at Complex Ⅲ in the mitochondria of Oomycetes. Stunner is a


TECHNICAL NAME – THIFLUZAMIDE 26% + KASUGAMYCIN 6% SC Izuki is a systemic fungicide & bactericide which is control the blast & sheath bligst of


Technical name: Azoxystrobin 11% + Tebuconazole 18.3% SC Tozo is broad spectrum fungicide for the control of many fungal pathogens and diseases. Tozo have a


Technical name: Thiophanatemethyl 70% WP. Systemic fungicide with Protective and Curative action. Should not be mixed with copper based molecules.


Technical name: Hexaconazole 4% + Carbendazim 16% SC Sofia is highly effective fungicide with protective & curative action. It controls wide range of diseases in

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